01268 207497

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Essex Solar
Do I Need a Battery?

To get the most from your solar panels we would recommend installing a battery to store the solar energy generated in the day for night time use.

Do I need a Solar Battery
Solar Battery Storage

Solar Battery

Solar batteries store excess energy from solar panels, ensuring a continuous power supply, reducing reliance on the grid, and promoting energy independence.

Eco friendly solar battery solutions

Eco Friendly

Eco-friendly solar batteries store renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, minimizing carbon emissions, and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Lower your carbon footprint

Global Warming

Solar batteries combat global warming by storing clean, renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting the transition to a low-carbon energy system.

Save 50% on Energy Bills

Ready to Save an Extra 50% on Your Energy Bill?


How does solar battery storage work?

The solar battery system stores electricity for use generated by your solar panels to use in your home at another time. The demand for energy within your home isn’t necessarily during the day when panels are generating. Most households are out of the house during the day and tend to use more energy in the evening. This means that for some periods of the day, the electricity being generated by their solar panels isn’t being used and is being exported. When the sun goes down or the weather is particularly bad, the solar PV can’t generate electricity, and you need to draw from the grid to power your home. A home battery means that you have solar energy stored to use before you need to take from the grid. You can also  set your battery to force charge during off peak periods when electricity costs less. 

Do I lose my feed in tariff if I install a battery?

No, if you currently receive feed-in-tariff (FiT) payments for the solar electricity you generate, they will not be affected if you install a home battery system. The FiT scheme was discontinued for new home solar PV systems installed on 1st April 2019, existing qualifying households won’t lose any of these payments for the contract term if they do install a home battery system.

Can a solar battery power my home in a power cut?

The short answer is no.
To have your solar battery power your home in a power cut you would need to install and emergency power socket. This socket is limited to 20A and will only supply what is stored in the batteries.

What size solar battery do I need?

The size or number of batteries needed would depend on your energy usage. During the survey we would ask you how much energy you use anually and how and when your family uses the energy at home. These questions would be are you at home during the day, what devices do you use in the evening to get an idea on how much energy you need stored to use during the night time. We can then work out the number and size of batteries your home would need.

Do solar storage batteries come with a warranty?

All the solar starge solutions we install come with a 10 year warranty. We wouldn’t install a battery storage solution that woudn’t come with a substantial warranty. We mainly use the Fox Cube and GivEnergy range of batteries. During the survey we would look at the best battery solution for your home.

Install a Battery with your Solar

Installing a battery storage solution will ensure the energy generated by your solar panels will be availble when your home needs it in the evenings.

Clean, Green, Energy

Solar batteries promote clean energy by storing surplus solar power generated during the day, reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based electricity and enabling a cleaner, more sustainable energy supply, even during non-sunny periods.

Clean, Green, Energy

Use Cheaper Energy

Solar batteries enable cheaper energy by storing excess solar power during periods of high production and supplying it during peak demand, reducing reliance on grid electricity and lowering overall energy costs.

How much could you save?

Clean. Renewable. Efficient.

Make the most of your solar panel installation with solar battery storage, cut your energy bills and with solar and battery storage and you could see a reduction of up to 70% on your energy bills!

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Harness the power of the sun, save money on your energy bills, and contribute to a greener future with solar energy.

When We Can Contact You

Switching to solar energy offers a multitude of benefits. Not only can you drastically reduce your electricity bills, but you also contribute to a sustainable future by reducing carbon emissions. Enjoy energy independence, long-term savings, and increased property value while making a positive impact on the environment. Embrace solar today!

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01268 207497

Our Address

Unit 2-3 Orion Court, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3DB

Essex Solar Panels

Solar installers you can trust and rely on.

Unit 2-3 Orion Court, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3DB

01268 207497

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Solar Panel Installation
Solar Battery Installation
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Mon-Tue  9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Wed-Fri  9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Sat-Sun  Closed

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